Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Conditional decision theory versus Causal decision theory

I've been trying to understand Creation by building models for it. These models center around the process of divine deliberation (maybe not in the usual sense of 'process'). How does God deliberate on which world to create? The guiding idea is that there is a number of possible creative acts God can take each of which will lead to the actualization of one particular world. The deliberation ends when God decides to choose a particular creative act which will lead to the actualization of one certain world. After this decision being made, God starts performing the chosen creative act and "Boom!" Creation begins.

But how exactly should we understand the relation between creative acts and the worlds they are connected with. In the above passage, I used the phrase 'lead to'. It is ambiguous. Most obviously, there is a causal relation between divine creative acts and the worlds they are connected with. But there are also conditional relations between creative acts and the actualization of the worlds they are connected with. I say 'conditional relations' because there are different kinds of conditionals. When God deliberates over the decision about which world to actualize, He may balance the alternative creative acts in terms of their causal relations to the actualization of worlds, or in terms of their conditional relations to the actualization of worlds. And these two ways of balancing creative acts may lead to different results, even when we assume that God holds the same preference scale about all the worlds. So an important issue here is which decision theory should we take God to be using (a bit of over-theorizing, isn't it?)--the conditional decision theory or the causal decision theory?

I start with the conditional decision theory. So given this picture, God balances and compares the possible creative acts in terms of the benefits from the actualization of worlds that are conditional over their performance. But what kind of conditional relation is involved here? Strict? Material? Indicative? Or subjunctive? These are the major conditionals I have in mind. And these are the ones I will explore for the potential of being used in modeling deliberation.

After exploring the conditional decision theory, I will start looking at its alternative--the causal decision theory.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First test of Intro to Logic

We had our first test this past Friday. The average score is around 81. Among the seventeen taking the test, eight people surpass 90; five are below 60. The rest are in between. I'm not sure what I should do to those who failed the test. Should I give them a chance to make up their low scores? Another puzzle for a new teacher.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A dip into astrology

金牛座:射手座配对指数:  友情:★★★★  爱情:★★★  婚姻:★★  亲情:★★★
  如果你们选择要在一起,首先一定要非常了解对方,因为大有可能你们是由友情转化成爱情,在一起前你们并没有看清楚是否是自己所要的。金牛座不要以为和射手座的人一起挺开心的,他教你好多好玩的事便就是爱情。  本质上你们两个是相反的人,一个内向一个外向,一个实际一个虚浮,一个动一个静,射手座不爱留在家,金牛座就家庭至上。两人差得这么远,勉强对方做自己那一套,大家都只会不开心。明白这点之后,再认真想清楚是否要在一起?决定了吗?决定了就别再后悔了,加油!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Anne Graham Lotz

I have been fortunate enough to be in Anne Graham Lotz's audience for the last two days. She is the best orator I have seen personally in my life. My wife was with me throughout the whole process, and she left the site with a similar impression. It was a great experience for us!

Friday, September 11, 2009

A logical puzzle from the Internet

Gavagai has three boxes with fruits in his barn: one box with apples, one box with pears, and one box with both apples and pears. The boxes have labels that describe the contents, but none of these labels is on the right box.

The Question: How can Gavagai, by taking only one piece of fruit from one box, determine what each of the boxes contains?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

PHI 1306.01 Second class period

I should have posted this yesterday, because I had the second class period then.

I used Microsoft powerpoint in class, with all my teaching notes projected onto the screen. Students seemed to have a good time, and I felt the teaching experience definitely to be easier. I will continue to use powerpoint in class, and see how students do.

Krusch. was right. Each teacher should be himself/herself. Don't try to step into someone else's shoes.

Monday, August 24, 2009

PHI 1306.01 First class period

I just taughter my first class. It was also the first class of this semester, well, for most people on this campus (except for business students, I believe). So it was kind of rough. People was yawning, and their faces displayed distance and tiredness.

The sudoku was a really good idea. I saw several hands raised in the air when I asked for volunteers. The students were also quite cooperative, at least several of them. They were interested in the questions, and they were good at answering them. I was, and still am, feeling pleased. I think the sudoku part truly got some people interested in logic. We will keep doing similar things in class.

I asked for one volunteer to write down the reasoning process on the board at one point. He did well. And I myself also got the chance to stop talking, take a deep breath, and relax a bit. Students sitting there also seemed relaxed. I will keep using this idea.

I still believe that close-to-home examples and collective-efforts are great for attracting students. If I myself keep talking for twenty minutes, some people will surely doze off.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

PHI 1306.01 First class period

For the first class period of PHI 1306.01, I am going to do these three things:

First, knowing people: I will first introduce myself to the class, and after that, call the roll, and everytime a student's name is called, she or he should briefly introduce her-/himself. Students' self-introduction should include the following information: where they are from, what are their majors, and what are their favorite things.

Second, going through the syllabus. I will walk the students through the syllabus real quick, explaining their responsibilities, the objectives of this course, and other logistic information.

Third, solving a sudoku puzzle. I will hand out a sudoku puzzle to the students; they will have five minutes to look at this puzzle and perhaps try to solve it. Then, me and the whole class will work on the puzzle together. The goal is to let the students have a rough idea about the nature of (deductive) logic: making inferences in accordance with rules.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Adams' Thesis

Adams's Thesis has won many people's agreement:
An indicative conditional p-->q is assertable if and only if q is high probable given p.

Or, an alternative version:
An indicative conditional p-->q is assertable to the degree that q is probable given p.

The alternative version is clearly false. When the probability of q given p is lower than .5, p-->q is hardly assertable.

But the original version is also faced with counterexamples:
E.g., There are ten balls in a non-transparent bag. You have the opportunity to pick one ball out of it. It is known that nine of the balls are black and the other one white. Let p be 'you pick a ball out of the bag', and q be 'the ball you pick will be black'. The probability of q given p is .9, which means that q is highly probable given p. But p-->q is not assertable.

So neither version of Adams' Thesis works. But there does seem to be something intuitively right in it, although it is hard to describe it. How are we going to revise and save Adams' Thesis?

Monday, April 6, 2009

fallibilism and knowledge

It is obvious that knowledge should not require that the knowing subject be infallible in getting at the true belief. So infallibilism is false; knowledge should be compatible with fallibilism. In other words, at least in some cases, a bit of luck or grace is involved in the process of the knower's reaching the truth. But does this imply that Gettier-style problems are unavoidable?

Gettier's two initial cases obviously involve luck; so does the Nogot-havit case; the fake barn case, too; and also the Jill-assassination case and the Tim-Tom case. So all the Gettier-style cases I can think of involve getting at some true belief by luck. While on the other hand, we've already claimed that knowledge is compatible with the existence of luck. So, one question to ask is, what kind of luck is allowed and what kind of luck is not? There is no need to survey the long list of attempts at coming up with new or novel epistemic norms for knowledge to solve the Gettier problems here. A rough impression I get frm looking at them is that pretty much all that they do is distinguish the luck that is allowed from that which is not. But if all these attempts exceptionlessly fail, then what conclusion should we draw? One option is to remain optimistic and look at the future brightly. The other option is to admit that there is simply no such universal formula for us to distinguish permissible luck from unpermissible luck, and hence claim that fallibilism is unacceptable. That will leave us in a dilemmatic quandary.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mackie's objection to miracles

Mackie’s objection to miracles:
Suppose the following formula be a law: if P & - I, then G. Now we observe P&-G. The theist may think that what we observe is a miracle. But what is rational for us to believe is that the given formula is not a law. So anytime there is claimed to be a miracle, the rational thing to believe is that there is no miracle and the law that’s supposedly broken is not actually a law.

Objection to Mackie: P&-G is not evidence against the identity of the given formula as a law, because P&-G is not contradictory against the given formula. Furthermore, P&I&-G is not contradictory against the given formula either. (As a matter of fact, it confirms it if we take the conditional in issue to allow for contraposition and exportation.) To sum up this objection, when P&-G occurs, the rational thing to believe is not that the given formula is not a law. So Mackie is wrong about this.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Divine knowledge and indicative conditionals

I've rarely seen this question being raised.

Does 'God knows that P' entail that 'God is certain that P'?

This question occurred to me when I was thinking about God's knowledge of indicative conditionals. According to the Equation (Bennett's term), the probability of P→Q equals the probability of Q given P. But there is the Bombshell (Edgington's term). The Bombshell shows that one cannot at the same time accept the Equation and the claim that indicative conditionals have truth value. This is exactly true...of humans, since it happens so often (or, always?) that we are not 100 percent certain about something. But things might be different with God, as long as we accept the claim that God is always certain about things: i.e. about any proposition p, either God is certain that P or God is certain that not P (I'm assuming that God has exhaustive knowledge about everything). Retaining this claim as an assumption, we can safely accept the claim that indicative conditionals have truth value and the Equation is correct. The reason is simple: the arguments for the so-called Bombshell all assume that one's degree of belief in something can be anywhere within the range [0, 1] (inclusive at both ends). But our assumption is that God's degree of belief can only have two possible values: 0, 1. So the conclusion is that the Bombshell does not apply to God under certain assumption.

This does look great. Is there any problem with this scenario?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some random thoughts on Sosa

Sosa's response to radical skeptics is like this:

according to radical skeptics, our belief that we are not brains in a vat is not sensitive, hence is not knowledge; but to conclude this way, radical skeptics have to assume that the requirement of knowledge is sensitivity; contraposition does not work on counterfactual conditionals, which implies that sensitivity and safety are not equivalent; further, the plausibility of the sensitivity requirement is derived from the plausibility of the safety requirement; radical skeptics hold to the sensitivity requirement because they get confused with the two; if we clear the confusion away and hold to the safety requirement instead of the sensitivity requirement, then radical skeptics can no longer claim that our belief that we are not brains in a vat is not knowledge. So radical skepticism (i.e. skepticism based on radical scenarios) is no longer a threat.

Here I do have a problem. Indeed, contraposition does not work on counterfactuals, which means the following formula, as a general claim, is false: A>B <=> B>A. But this does not mean that contraposition does not hold in particular cases. The claim that contraposition as a general claim fails does not entail that contraposition always fails on every occasion. So we should not hurry to claim that the safety requirement and the sensitivity requirement are not equivalent.

So Sosa thinks that radical skepticism is not a problem as long as we hold to the safety requirement instead of the sensitivity requirement. But there is a problem with the safety requirement also. According to the safety requirement, a belief p is safe if and only if not easily could p have failed. A revised version of the safety requirement, basis-related safety, states that a belief p is basis-relative safe if and only if p has a basis such that on that basis p could not easily have failed. From the definition, you can see why our belief that we are not brains in a vat is safe and basis-relative safe. But dreams loom around as a threat. Dreams are part of our ordinary life. In Sosa's words, that we are dreaming rather than awake is a nearby possibility rather than a remote possibility. Hence our belief that we are not dreaming is not safe, and not basis-related safe either. Therefore, Sosa proposes that the safety requirement be abandoned and aptness be put in its stead.

But how do we tell whether a possibility is nearby or remote? Since I have read very little Sosa, I won't claim that Sosa never gives an answer to this question. But when I was discussing this with a group of people some of whom knows Sosa really well, I noticed that they tended to interpret the remoteness of possibilities in terms of the closeness relation among worlds. As we all know, the closeness relation among worlds is widely used to construct semantics for counterfactuals. But is Sosa really intending to borrow from or rely upon the possible worlds semantics for counterfactuals? I have no idea, perhaps further reading would give me a definite answer.

But even if we agree on understanding the remoteness of possible scenarios in terms of closeness among worlds, we still have a problem. A natural conjecture is that a possible scenario is remote if it can only be housed in a world not close to the actual world; a possible scenario is nearby if it can be housed in a world close by. But think of the lottery case. Imagine a billion lottery tickets are sold to a billion people, each person having one ticket. You have one ticket. Tell me whether the scenario of your winning the lottery (suppose there is only one winning ticket) is nearby or remote. If we understand this in terms of closeness among worlds and presume it is totally random which ticket is the winning ticket, then at least one world in which you have the winning ticket is as close as any world in which you don't. So the scenario in which you win is nearby. But in the sphere closest to the actual world, the worlds in which you have the winning ticket take up a very tiny portion, probably 1/billion. So one feels (at least I do) inclined to agree that the possible scenario in which I win is remote, since it is highly unlikely. So this lottery case should remind us that the best way to understand remoteness may not be in terms of closeness among worlds.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tea and Coffee: which is better?

Many people like tea. And many people like coffee. And some people like them both. So they drink them both. But what if we replace tea with one way of living one's life, and coffee with an alternate way. I'm sure in this case still there will be people who like them both. However, the difference is, in this case no one will have the chance to drink them both.

What is the ideal way of living one's life? (Don't blame me for bringing up an old question. I have to think this through. I'm the person making the decision for myself.)

To answer this question, let us assume that there are only two possible ways of living one's life: a materiality-oriented way and a spirituality-oriented way. (Just a working assumption. You know many people like this sort of distinction.) A materiality-oriented life holds material wealth and all the joy derived from it to be the top goal; a spirituality-oriented life holds spiritual wealth and all the joy derived from it to be the top goal.

Also, let us assume that nothing can be material wealth and spiritual wealth to the same person. From this assumption, it can be deduced that materiality-oriented lives are incompatible with spirituality-oriented lives. Put differently, no one can live both lives simultaneously.

A brief description of both lives is needed. Someone living a materiality-oriented life aims at garnering material wealth, enlarging his bank account, having nice food, and interacting with superb women. In contrast, a spiritually oriented person values things like knowledge, wisdom (if it is different than the foregoing one), contemplation, and spiritual joy. You can see the two kinds of people are different. They probably dislike each other.

But what kind of life should I live? This is a big issue: no other issue of my life is bigger than this one. This is also very hard. I can imagine my emotions leaning one way while my reason leans another (pretend this way of talking makes sense). I do not know the answer for now. And to make things worse, not having an answer to this question makes me unable to live my life like a normal person does. I cannot help complaining: how the hell did this question enter my mind?! I could have lived a good life without consciousness of it. Or could I? Now I'm feeling even worse.

So the bad feeling drove me to explore, to think and to feel. That's why I created this blog. I will keep exploring, that is, keep updating this blog, until I'm endowed with an answer. --A little note for the opening of this blog