Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Counterexample to Horseshoe Analysis of Indicatives

The horseshoe analysis identifies indicatives as having the same semantic content with material conditionals. But is that right? Look at the following conditional:

C: "If I ate one and only one egg this morning, I ate two eggs this morning."

C is obviously false, actually necessarily false. But suppose I did not eat any egg this morning. Then, given the horseshoe analysis, C is true because it has a false antecedent and false consequent. So the horseshoe analysis is committed to treating something necessarily false as true. This I take to be evidence against the horseshoe analysis.

Of course, a horseshoe analysis may retort to my example this way. Since I know that I didn't eat any egg this morning and indicative conditionals do not tolerate known-to-be false antecedents, C is inappropriate. But this reply may commit the horseshoe analysts to much bigger problems, I reckon.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tricky conditionals

First, to get started, do you think the following two conditionals are contrapositives to each other?

(1) If he made a mistake, then it was not a big one.
(2) If he made a big mistake, then he did not make any mistake.

These two have been used by some as evidence that indicative conditionals in real life do not abide by the inference of contraposition. What do you think?

There is a huge number of tricky conditionals, couples or singles. Here is a really interesting and really tricky one:

(R): If Reagen was a KGB, no one would ever know it.

You can opt to replace the "know' in the consequent with anything you like, "believe", "find out", "think of", etc. (I actually can't think of more that makes sense.)

This conditional is intended by some as evidence against the Ramsey test. But, alas, as I see people do such things, I am wondering inside of me whether they are sincerely naive or they are sophisticated animals intending to make the water ever blurrier. The operator of the consequent--"no one would ever know"--is a modal operator! It's as much a modal operator as devices like "Shakespeare believed", "Necessarily it is the case that", "It is morally obligatory that", etc. (Don't get me wrong. This time I do have a lot of backups reserved in my mind. Sorry, a bit overly alert to etcs.) Should we not separate out modal operators when we are analyzing truth conditions of a logical connective like "if"? We did so when we defined truth-functional connectives like "or", "only if", "and", etc. (I am silent this time.)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Conditional decision theory versus Causal decision theory

I've been trying to understand Creation by building models for it. These models center around the process of divine deliberation (maybe not in the usual sense of 'process'). How does God deliberate on which world to create? The guiding idea is that there is a number of possible creative acts God can take each of which will lead to the actualization of one particular world. The deliberation ends when God decides to choose a particular creative act which will lead to the actualization of one certain world. After this decision being made, God starts performing the chosen creative act and "Boom!" Creation begins.

But how exactly should we understand the relation between creative acts and the worlds they are connected with. In the above passage, I used the phrase 'lead to'. It is ambiguous. Most obviously, there is a causal relation between divine creative acts and the worlds they are connected with. But there are also conditional relations between creative acts and the actualization of the worlds they are connected with. I say 'conditional relations' because there are different kinds of conditionals. When God deliberates over the decision about which world to actualize, He may balance the alternative creative acts in terms of their causal relations to the actualization of worlds, or in terms of their conditional relations to the actualization of worlds. And these two ways of balancing creative acts may lead to different results, even when we assume that God holds the same preference scale about all the worlds. So an important issue here is which decision theory should we take God to be using (a bit of over-theorizing, isn't it?)--the conditional decision theory or the causal decision theory?

I start with the conditional decision theory. So given this picture, God balances and compares the possible creative acts in terms of the benefits from the actualization of worlds that are conditional over their performance. But what kind of conditional relation is involved here? Strict? Material? Indicative? Or subjunctive? These are the major conditionals I have in mind. And these are the ones I will explore for the potential of being used in modeling deliberation.

After exploring the conditional decision theory, I will start looking at its alternative--the causal decision theory.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First test of Intro to Logic

We had our first test this past Friday. The average score is around 81. Among the seventeen taking the test, eight people surpass 90; five are below 60. The rest are in between. I'm not sure what I should do to those who failed the test. Should I give them a chance to make up their low scores? Another puzzle for a new teacher.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A dip into astrology

金牛座:射手座配对指数:  友情:★★★★  爱情:★★★  婚姻:★★  亲情:★★★
  如果你们选择要在一起,首先一定要非常了解对方,因为大有可能你们是由友情转化成爱情,在一起前你们并没有看清楚是否是自己所要的。金牛座不要以为和射手座的人一起挺开心的,他教你好多好玩的事便就是爱情。  本质上你们两个是相反的人,一个内向一个外向,一个实际一个虚浮,一个动一个静,射手座不爱留在家,金牛座就家庭至上。两人差得这么远,勉强对方做自己那一套,大家都只会不开心。明白这点之后,再认真想清楚是否要在一起?决定了吗?决定了就别再后悔了,加油!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Anne Graham Lotz

I have been fortunate enough to be in Anne Graham Lotz's audience for the last two days. She is the best orator I have seen personally in my life. My wife was with me throughout the whole process, and she left the site with a similar impression. It was a great experience for us!

Friday, September 11, 2009

A logical puzzle from the Internet

Gavagai has three boxes with fruits in his barn: one box with apples, one box with pears, and one box with both apples and pears. The boxes have labels that describe the contents, but none of these labels is on the right box.

The Question: How can Gavagai, by taking only one piece of fruit from one box, determine what each of the boxes contains?